The Mayarican economy has a rich history that we will be recounting here in several moments.

 The first local settlements (1750) counted on the sugar cane and tobacco as economic motivation, but with the passage of time and taking advantage of the waters of the local river the sphere was opened to the commercial.

 In 1907, in the areas of Preston, today known as the People's Council of Guatemala, a large power plant was built that energized the productive life of the locality and put these eastern lands on the world map.

 Later, in the 1920s, the exploitation of minerals began and this led to the first large nickel industry in the country, in the area of Lengua de Pájaro (Nicaro).

 Thus Mayarí was armed with several productive springs and various industries were created, such as fertilizer and electricity, the latter emerged in the late 90s of the twentieth century.

Now the industrial vocation has changed towards agriculture, although the territory maintains the Lidio Ramón Pérez thermoelectric plant, a plastics and ice cream factory, as well as dairy and meat products.

The fishing industry is strong, in addition to the exploitation of timber and coffee.