Incentives for the use of renewable energy sources in Mayarí

As part of the national program for the use of renewable energy, the municipality of Mayarí is studying the potential of the territory in order to increase the generation of electricity using natural sources.

Pedro Giró Mejías, coordinator of Programs and Objectives for the Economy in the Council of the municipal administration, said the day before that a strategy is underway to encourage the search for alternatives in all state agencies, which will soon present the plans of the institutions to promote the use of renewable energy.

To date, the municipality has three small hydroelectric power plants, two of them located in the area of La caridad in Pinares, as a source of supply for the residents of that locality, and a similar plant with four turbines located on the right bank of the Mayarí Dam, which contributes to the national electro-energetic system.

With the aforementioned potential, the territory achieves a little more than 20 percent of the municipality's energy demand, reducing the consumption of fossil fuels, considered to have a negative impact on the atmosphere.

Among the actions to increase the generation capacity through renewable sources, the territory is working on the integral development of the community of La Mora, in the Popular Council of Pinares, thanks to the support of the United Nations Development Program and the financing of the FRE - DL project.

The work in progress should be completed in 2024 and it will meet the energy demands of 34 families and service institutions, especially the warehouse and video room, while two carpentry workshops will also be supplied.

The municipality will also work on the use of bioelectric energy and obtaining ashes from rice husks in the mill located in the Nipe-Ayúa Popular Council, with the objective of totally reducing fuel consumption in the cereal drying process.

The completion of the small hydroelectric plant on the left bank of the Mayari Dam, the installation of a hydroaccumulator, the use of solar heaters in health, education and sports centers, as well as the use of biodigesters in livestock units, are among the actions to increase the production of clean energy in this territory.

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