Municipal Assembly of People's Power to meet this Sunday in Mayarí

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Teatro del partido MayariThe twenty-second ordinary session of the seventeenth period of mandate of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power in Mayari will take place this Sunday, November 7, at the Party Theater of the local capital, starting at nine o'clock in the morning.

At the meeting of the highest governing body in the territory, the official call will be launched for the development of the third process of accountability of the delegate to his constituents, scheduled between November 10 and December 23 of this year.

The people's representatives will analyze the opinion of the Assembly's Permanent Committee in charge of Economic Affairs, on the execution of the Municipality's Budget at the end of the third quarter of 2021.

The agenda includes the rendering of the account of the Council of the municipal administration on the attention to the constituents' proposals, by office and those included in the economy plan.

The ordinary session of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power will especially evaluate the results of the Mother and Child Program in the territory up to the end of the tenth month of the year. 

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